I'm Sergei Chyrkov — a digital creator

I started as a photographer, but now I work as a Creative Director and do a mix of things from UX/UI and Visual Identity to mentoring. My YouTube channel helps amateur designers and professionals succeed in the design world.

Sergei Chyrkov — Creative Director and Photographer

UX/UI and Visual identity

As a Founder and Creative Director at CHYRKOV Studio, and I've been doing web design and visual identity since 2012. Here you can check out som of my studio and personal works.


As a High School student in 2002, I picked up a camera and started capturing moments that would eventually lead me to a career in photography. Fast forward 15+ years, and what was once my profession has now become a beloved hobby. If you're curious to see some of my work, head over to my photography portfolio.


I've been teaching web design and Figma since 2018 and helped more than 2500 students to find themselves in the design world by providing personal consultations and mentoring sessions.

Currently I'm offering FREE mentorship sessions on ADPlist for a limited time! Don't miss your chance, book now to accelerate your design career. Let's get your portfolio and skills to the next level!

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I'm Sergei Chyrkov — a digital creator

I started as a photographer, but now I work as a Creative Director and do a mix of things from UX/UI and Visual Identity to mentoring. My YouTube channel helps amateur designers and professionals succeed in the design world.

Sergei Chyrkov — Creative Director and Photographer

UX/UI and Visual identity

As a Founder and Creative Director at CHYRKOV Studio, and I've been doing web design and visual identity since 2012. Here you can check out som of my studio and personal works.


As a High School student in 2002, I picked up a camera and started capturing moments that would eventually lead me to a career in photography. Fast forward 15+ years, and what was once my profession has now become a beloved hobby. If you're curious to see some of my work, head over to my photography portfolio.


I've been teaching web design and Figma since 2018 and helped more than 2500 students to find themselves in the design world by providing personal consultations and mentoring sessions.

Currently I'm offering FREE mentorship sessions on ADPlist for a limited time! Don't miss your chance, book now to accelerate your design career. Let's get your portfolio and skills to the next level!

Want to hear more from me? 💌

Get short, occasional emails about tips, updates, offers and workshops.

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I'm Sergei Chyrkov — a digital creator

I started as a photographer, but now I work as a Creative Director and do a mix of things from UX/UI and Visual Identity to mentoring. My YouTube channel helps amateur designers and professionals succeed in the design world.

Sergei Chyrkov — Creative Director and Photographer

UX/UI and Visual identity

As a Founder and Creative Director at CHYRKOV Studio, and I've been doing web design and visual identity since 2012. Here you can check out som of my studio and personal works.


As a High School student in 2002, I picked up a camera and started capturing moments that would eventually lead me to a career in photography. Fast forward 15+ years, and what was once my profession has now become a beloved hobby. If you're curious to see some of my work, head over to my photography portfolio.


I've been teaching web design and Figma since 2018 and helped more than 2500 students to find themselves in the design world by providing personal consultations and mentoring sessions.

Currently I'm offering FREE mentorship sessions on ADPlist for a limited time! Don't miss your chance, book now to accelerate your design career. Let's get your portfolio and skills to the next level!

Want to hear more from me? 💌

Get short, occasional emails about tips, updates, offers and workshops.

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