May 11, 2024

How to be more productive


Hello everyone! 👋 I recently had a chat about productivity with a friend. We were pondering how to accomplish more and effectively manage our time. Honestly, I'm no expert here! But I'm eager to share a few life hacks that have worked for me. The topic of productivity has intrigued me for quite some time. I've delved into various techniques and paid attention to what "experts" suggest on this subject. So, here's what has been effective for me so far:

Pomodoro Technique: I work in pomodoro mode, which is 25 minutes of work followed by 5 minutes of rest. Believe it or not, this really boosts your efficiency and productivity throughout the day. The hardest part is remembering to set the timer and actually take those breaks, truly disconnecting from the task at hand. I use a free Pomodoro app on both my iPhone and Mac (there are lots of similar apps, but the principle remains the same).

Task Tracker: I used lots of different task tracking apps for personal use (Trello, Things, Apple Reminders, Asana, Wunderlist, ToDo etc). Finally I've moved to using ToDoist. It's captivating! I'm really pleased with the results; it allows me to distribute tasks more effectively. It is simple to use, has free options and nice UI. The key is to jot down every task — personal, work-related, everything— so nothing stays in your head. The achievements within the app are incredibly motivating. If you're interested, I'd be happy to elaborate on this.

Switching Activities: I juggle three main jobs: running a remote studio, hybrid work in a travel company in Antalya, and design mentoring. Additionally, I manage a YouTube channel, and occasionally do photography (which used to be my profession but now is more a hobby). Changing activities and tackling tasks across these varied domains helps keep me sharp. It’s crucial to allocate specific times for each activity without losing focus, whether these are distinct days or specific periods within a day.

Sleep: Guys, this is probably the most important thing! I often work late into the night, sometimes until 12 or 1 a.m... Not getting enough sleep means the next day is ruined; I'm broken and ineffective. You absolutely must find time for adequate rest.

Limiting Meetings: Lastly for today, try to reduce the number of meetings or keep them to no longer than half an hour. This can be challenging; for instance, recently we had a project presentation to a client that nearly lasted three hours, though only about 30 minutes were genuinely useful.

These strategies have significantly impacted my productivity and could perhaps help you too!

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